Nel 2000 il marchio e' stato acquistato da LVMH e sotto la guida della figlia di Emilio Pucci, Laudomia e grazie anche ad azzeccate scelte artistiche compiute dai direttori creativi Christian Lacroix prima e Matthew Williamson ora, Emilio Pucci stupisce ancora sulle passerelle di tutto il mondo per l’attualità delle linee che si ispirano alle originali stampe fantasia, al rincorrersi frenetico delle linee e delle curve.
Sul sito ufficiale si possono ripercorrere le tappe principale della Maison Pucci (dal 1947 ad oggi) e vedere foto di Elizabeth Taylor e Nicole Kidman, naturalmente in abito Emilio Pucci.
Florence is celebrating 20th-century fashion icon Emilio Pucci. Emilio pucci (1914-1992) was born in Naple in 1914 but it was born into a noble Florentine family. He fought courageously in World War II and he was member of ski team before his introduction to fashion.
He invented a unique style, recognizable for its printed textiles (first stylized, then geometric), and for his incredible use of color, which brought together shades in unforeseen combinations. His prints were designed to be shown off at their best when seen in motion on Pucci's dynamically cut dresses.
The brand was acquired by LVMH in 2000. Pucci's daughter Laudomia co-ordinates design and brand policy. Thanks to creative director Christian Lacroix and Matthew Williamson (starting from last year), the shades and combinations of colors of the fashion of an innovative and gifted artist live on.
The most importants events of Maison Pucci from 1947 to now, are available on Emilio Pucci home site You can see also Elizabeth Taylor and Nicole Kidman in Emilio Pucci creation.
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